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School Lunch

Hot School Lunches

Cooked meals are available every day for £2.70 ordered weekly in advance directly from the Farm Kitchen. The meals are provided  by The Farm Kitchen, whose meals adhere to the School Food Policy.


Free School Meals

All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are receiving a school meal at no cost to the parent/guardian. This is known as Universal Infant Free School Meals. It is possible for us to deliver this service due to direct Government funding however we do not know how long this will last.

There is now a new eligibility checking service for free school meals (NOT UIFSM) which will enable us to check all primary school pupils for free school meal eligibility. This system will also determine eligibility for Pupil Premium, which means schools will receive an extra £1,300 per eligible pupil from central government to fund valuable support such as extra tuition and learning support.