Our Governing Board includes volunteers from all areas of the community in which we work and live. Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together – they cannot act individually. The group of school governors is called the 'Governing Board'.
Governors are elected from parents, school staff, community representatives and people with special skills. The most important qualities for being a governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education. You don’t need teaching experience, but it’s useful to bring skills from other areas of your life.
All the Governors feel a real sense of privilege at being part of Tattershall Primary School and enjoy working to make sure that the education provided for the children is the best it can be.
Minimum Number: 7
We currently run a 'circle model' of Governance, which involves at least six Full Governing Board Meetings per year.
Current Membership of Full Governing Board:
Lyndsey Wood, Headteacher
Dr Amanda Grant, Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Appointment Date: 13/7/23
End Date: 12/7/27
Mrs Maggie Everington-Ali, Vice Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Appointment Date: 16/05/24
End Date: 15/05/2028
Mrs Sarah Rodgers
Co-opted Governor
Appointment Date: 5/12/24
End Date: 4/12/28
Mr Aaron Hoodless
Staff Governor
Appointment Date 12/1/21
End Date 12/1/25
Mr Lance Flory
Co-opted Governor
Appointment Date: 27/1/22
End Date 27/1/26
Mrs Nicola Duddigan
Local Authority Governor
Appointment Date: 5/12/24
End Date 4/12/28
Clerk to Governors
Mrs Jo Ingle