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Here at Tattershall Primary School we are committed to providing a full educational experience for all pupils. We believe that if pupils are to benefit from education, regular attendance is vital. Regular and punctual attendance ensures that your child settles well, is happy at school and able to take advantage of all that Tattershall has to offer.

Our School Day

Our school day starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:20pm. Our classroom doors are open from 8.40am.


Pupils arriving after 8:50am must enter school by the main entrance and report to Reception where parents / carers will be asked to sign their children in.


It is the parents’ / carers' responsibility to contact the school on the first day their child is absent by telephone before 9.30am.  This is a safeguarding issue requirement so that all parties know that your child is safe.  At Tattershall we operate a first day calling system. If we have not had contact from a parent / carer and are unable to make contact ourselves, we may need to undertake a welfare check in person to the family home.

If your child is unwell with a sickness bug we would ask that they remain at home until they are clear of any symptoms for 48 hours.

Requesting a leave of absence

If you are needing to take an unavoidable leave of absence for your child please complete the request form below, which will be sent to our Headteacher, who will respond at their earliest convenience. 

Please note that as from 1st Sept 2013 Headteachers may not authorise any pupil absence for family holidays. Any absence can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances

Request for leave of absence form

Term dates

More information can be found at the Department for Education website

Please click here to read our Attendance Policy.